Gasparilla Half Recap

All week the Gasparilla half was looming over my head. I'd put in all of the training and work, but for whatever reason, I was still worried that my body was going to fail me. 

SURPRISE, SURPRISE my body performed better than expected and I ran a PR. Don't get me wrong, I still had my fair share of, "What the hell was I thinking" moments when my alarm went off at 4:20am and the stretch of Bayshore seemed to drag on forever, but there's something about pushing your body and accomplishing goals that makes it all worth it. 

So how did my run go?

The Good

Who can complain about watching the sun rise over the water and running around Davis Island? It was a beautiful morning and the weather was perfect, with the 6am start time giving us plenty of cool air before the sun rose. And the best part? My handsome husband supporting me from the sidelines.

The Bad

Post race, I just want you to put a water bottle and a banana in my hand as quickly as possible. For this run, I felt like I was wondering around for way too long trying to locate water. Still am not sure where the bananas were. My leg cramps were angry.

What's Next?

Hills, hills, hills. In April I'll be heading to Atlanta with a team to run the Ragnar Trail Relay. Along with 7 other teammates, we'll all be running three different trails, with a teammate on each trail at all times from start to finish. All while camping. I'm really not sure what all I got myself into, but if it wasn't a challenge it wouldn't be worth it.